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Hi friend,
Tomorrow Universal Credit is being cut. We must speak out now!

Last week I asked you to write to your local paper about the detrimental effect of cutting Universal Credit.

So far you've sent an incredible 700 letters, and its working! We're getting noticed across the country, including in the Brighton Argus, well done and thank you to all who have taken action already.

If you haven't yet, will you write to your local paper?
Yes, I'll write to my local paper!

Getting involved and using your voice in this way can make a real difference. 

Many of those worse affected by the pandemic have had to borrow to make ends meet - Citizens Advice estimate another 2.3 million people could be pushed into debt from the cuts.

Getting in the media will show the government how many people care about this issue and that the cut is the wrong thing to do.

Let's keep up the pressure together!

All the best,
Joe, Zak, Eva and the team at Jubilee Debt Campaign

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