
We’ve been through a lot over the past month and truthfully, things aren’t slowing down one bit.

Democrats have a few short weeks to address the looming debt ceiling and prevent the first-ever U.S. default which could lead to an economic catastrophe. The GOP would rather torpedo our economy, at the expense of the American people, than work alongside Democrats to address past expenditures — including the trillions in spending under Trump.

Now more than ever, we need to abolish the filibuster since Mitch McConnell continues to rule the Senate from the minority and obstruct any path to progress — or even our creditworthiness as a nation.

To add to the importance of this month, the House will soon vote on the infrastructure bill and the reconciliation package. Both are critical, and we need to get them done. We have a narrow window of opportunity to move President Biden’s agenda forward by addressing climate change, expanding Medicare, investing in affordable housing, and so much more.

With all of these significant votes coming up in October, I wanted to check-in and get your thoughts.

Can you take a minute or two to fill out my October Priorities Survey? We have some pressing priorities ahead of us and I want to make sure I’m fighting for the issues you care about most.


Even though it feels like we encounter a new roadblock every day from the GOP, there is a path forward. We need to expand our slim Democratic majorities in the midterm elections and finally abolish the filibuster, an archaic Senate rule that is making Congress dysfunctional.

We can and must pass important pieces of legislation such as the Protecting Our Democracy Act, HR 1, the John Lewis Voting Rights Improvement Act, the Women’s Health Protection Act, and more.

We must defeat the GOP and put a stop to tactics they are using which have no place in a functional democracy. We can do that by electing more Democrats up and down the ballot.

It’s going to take millions of Americans to overcome the party of Trump’s anti-democratic voter suppression tactics, but I know we can do it.

Right now, can you take a minute to complete my survey? It’s quick and will give me a sense of what’s most important to you as our Democratic majority continues to fight to fix our economy, uphold our democracy, and save our country.


As always, thank you for your support and input.

— Adam