
We'll be honest with you — we didn't hit our goal this quarter.

And it got us thinking, how can we bring you on board with us, so we can defend our House majority together and keep our progress going in 2022?

So we'd like to hear directly from you: What are the biggest obstacles preventing you from protecting the House with us? This short survey will only take a minute to fill out, and your feedback will help get us back on track. >> John, we know this goal is as important to you as it is to us.

We know that you're just as repulsed as we are by the cruel and reckless behavior of Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and all the House GOP liars — and that you'd be as devastated as we would be if they take control of our House in 2022.

But the harsh truth is, Republicans only need four House seats to take power. That means traitorous, science-denying Republicans could be in charge of addressing the climate crisis, reproductive rights, voting restrictions, health care, and more for the foreseeable future.

That's why we're working overtime to call out GOP lies and protect the swing-seat Democrats who risk losing their seats next year. Our targeted ads can reach pivotal voters who will determine the fate of next year's election. But we can't do it alone.

So if you've been holding back, now's the time to act. Will you let us know how you'd like to help defend our House majority today? >> Thanks for stepping up, John.

— Shield PAC