Dear John,
Take a look at your calendar...
In just six days, on October 10, ADL is hosting our annual Walk Against Hate. On the big day, thousands of people — individuals, families, schools, community organizations and more — will get out and get on the move against antisemitism, against racism, against bigotry and bias of all kinds!
As an informed member of the ADL community, you have seen ugly hatred both online and on the ground, and you have supported us in fighting back against it in so many ways. The Walk Against Hate is a great way for you to take action in this Good Fight — to speak out and say you refuse to let hatred go without a response.
Will you commit to joining us for ADL’s Walk Against Hate? You can do it in three easy steps:
- Sign up to go solo or to create (or join!) a team at You can participate by walking on October 10, but you can also go for a run, or a roll or a swim.
- Tell your friends and family you’ve signed up, and encourage them to join you — together, we will take a step in the right direction!
- Post your progress online and tag your posts with #WalkAgainstHate. You will be sending a clear message that your community is no place for hate. If you’re looking for ideas about social sharing, no need to worry! We’ve set every participant up with a digital toolkit
with printable signs, ideas on how to have an amazing Walk day, and suggestions to get the word out about your effort.
Thank you for taking a step toward a world without antisemitism and all forms of hatred.
Now, get moving! There are only six days left to sign up.
Thank you!
— The ADL Walk Against Hate Team