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Monday, October 4th, 2021

Did The Fourth Branch of Government Release SARS-CoV-2 Then Blame China?


Understanding Sixteenth Century Grammar Explains the Specificity and Succinctness of the Second Amendment

Erwin J. Haas MD MBA

This Is What the New America Eill Be Made of

Allan Stevo

Homeschooling Growing by Leaps and Bounds

Steven Whitson

Energy Subsidies, Bitcoin, and the Socialist Takeover That Isn’t

Thomas Luongo

Getting Ready for Just in Case

Eric Peters

“Programmable Digital Currency”: The Next Stage of the New Normal?

Kit Knightly

Mandates Meet the Woke: Dozens of NBA Players Refuse the Shot

Rick Moran

Know Your Rights: “Refused” Versus “Declined”


Does God Ordain Evil Men?

Bionic Mosquito

One Night in Poland

Taki Theodoracopulos

Wokeness: Where has Honor Gone?

Jayant Bhandari

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