Friday, President Biden told House Democrats that the smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill "ain’t going to happen until we reach an agreement on the next piece of legislation."

That next piece of legislation is the President's larger Build Back Better bill. A Washington Post reporter said, "Biden clearly came down on the side of Team Progressive." MSNBC reported, "Progressives become powerful allies for Biden agenda."

Indeed, the Congressional Progressive Caucus just used their power to save the Biden agenda -- Joe Manchin, billionaires, and big corporations are not happy.

Can you say thank you? Donate to the Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC and our work to elect even more bold progressives to Congress? The CPC is now the largest caucus in Congress --- let's make them even bigger!

More reporting on just how big a win this is for progressives and the Biden agenda:

MSNBC's Joy Reid spoke to progressives' power: "The House Progressive Caucus is using its numbers and the power that comes from them to do something extraordinary: to try to enact a popular agenda that helps ordinary people over the objections of the powerful donor class. It’s breathtaking to watch."

NBC's Sahil Kapur: "Helluva flex here from the House progressive caucus."

The American Prospect's David Dayen: "The Progressive caucus wields power....This is a completely different animal."

Former #3 House Democrat Joe Crowley (who AOC defeated) said about Progressive Caucus unity, "Very rarely, if ever, have I seen it as organized."

And The Intercept connects the dots between today's victory and winning key primaries: "In years past, progressives would not have been able to make a challenge credible enough to get the vote pulled from the floor. So what’s different this time? For one, primaries matter, and in 2020 progressives ousted a handful of corporate Democrats and won open primaries against right-wing, business-friendly Democrats."

Say thank you to the Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC and PCCC -- help us EXPAND the Progressive Caucus in 2022.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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