This is a picture of me at the California Progressive Alliance a couple years ago. As I watch our government become more authoritarian and continue to deprive people of healthcare during a pandemic, as I see Joe Biden's solution to police violence against Black and Brown communities has been no solution at all and the United States continues to deliberately starve poor people in other countries in the hope of destabilizing their countries enough to overthrow them and loot their resources, I look at who will represent our district going forward from 2022.
It will either be the same pro-war, pro-austerity neoliberal that is supported by the corrupt corporate establishment, a Trump supporting Republican who has no desire to eschew corporate money or a guy who, frankly has pretty decent positions but completely vanished after the last election and just doesn't respond to basic questions. You can't represent people that way.
If we are going to make change, one person can't do it by themself. And so I'm calling on members of Land Trust of Napa County, Vessels Of Vallejo, Napa Climate NOW, Benicia Black Lives Matter, SantaRosa Naacp, NAACP Vallejo Branch, Napa Vision 2050, Indivisible Sonoma County, The People’s Collective for Change, Our Revolution California, Protect Napa Watersheds, The Phoenix Collaboration Network, The Stonewall Democratic Club of Solano County, Sonoma Solidarity with Standing Rock, Go Organic Napa County, Migrante Napa Solano, Vallejo Housing Justice Coalition, Fresh Air Vallejo, A Non-Profit for Environmental Advocacy and Education, Indivisible NAPA, Vallejo DeFund DAPL Coalition, Occupy Sonoma County, Napa Institute for Peace, Peace & Freedom Party, Green Party, California People's Party and California Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
Your groups all represent ME and I'd like to turn the favor and represent you in Congress, but I'm going to need a lot of help, not only with small dollar donations (because I am refusing corporate money, as always) but with delivering postcards to people's doors. If we all work together, we can reach every door in this district, and deliver the truth about the corruption of our government and the need for real change. Please join me in this venture, and all of our movements can have real representation in Congress.
Mike Thompson on healthcare is controlled opposition and works harder for telehealth than Medicare For All, which he does not support.
Mike Thompson on climate change is full of hot air (pun intended) offering tax incentives to reduce carbon emissions rather than forcing polluters to reduce carbon emissions.
Mike Thompson on war and imperialism is wishy washy. Sometimes for, sometimes against. He has no problem with sanctions starving poor people, however, and he is happy to vote the military industrial complex a higher war budget, which is making climate change worse.
Mike Thompson is doing nothing to reduce or stop police brutality or killing of unarmed people. His solution is to work closer with law enforcement.
Mike Thompson needs to go! Let's join together and make this his last term in office, and replace him with a member of a movement. Let me know if you're willing to donate your time to passing out postcards and if you're willing to donate a few dollars to paying for postcards and gas, you can do so at CrowdPAC or PalPay below.
I'm never going to accept money from corporations or known criminals.

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Jason Kishineff for Congress 2018 · 100 Via Belagio · American Canyon, Ca 94503 · USA

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