Trick-or-treating hours are 3:30 to 8 p.m. throughout the Village of Oswego
The Village of Oswego would like to remind residents that official trick-or-treating hours in the Village are from 3:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019, and encourage parents to make sure that their children are only trick-or-treating during those hours.
Parents can also take a few simple steps to ensure children’s safety this Halloween:
- Young children should be accompanied by a responsible adult while trick-or-treating.
- Make sure that any masks that are worn do not block your child's vision. They should be able to see well both in front and to each side.
- If you are trick-or-treating after dark, please use reflective tape on costumes and carry a flashlight.
- For parents of older children, you should know the routes they are planning to take and set a time for them to be home. It is strongly recommended that children go out in groups rather than by themselves. Take the opportunity to teach children to be good neighbors and only trick-or-treat at homes where porch lights are turned on.
- Review the contents of all treats collected by your children before allowing it to be eaten, and remove any suspicious treats. Tampering with Halloween treats is rare, but if any treats show signs of possible tampering, please call the Oswego Police Department.
Create Halloween fun for everyone with a teal-colored pumpkin! 
Food allergies among children are on the rise, and many common allergies -- milk, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soy -- are found in common Halloween treats.
You can make Halloween fun for all children by participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project! Simply set out a teal-colored pumpkin (even a construction paper sign will do) and offer stickers, temporary tattoos, small toys, or other non-edible treats for children with allergies. Learn more about the Teal Pumpkin Project at