This week was big for the party. After the leadership by-election, we announced our new leadership team. Scroll to find out more about them and what Greens are doing for people and planet around England and Wales 🔽



This week was big for the party. After the leadership by-election, we announced our new leadership team. Scroll to find out more about them and what Greens are doing for people and planet around England and Wales 🔽


Welcome Adrian Ramsay and Carla Denyer as the new co-leaders of the party! They will be joined by Amelia Womack, continuing her role as deputy leader. Carla is a Bristol City councillor and Adrian is a former deputy leader. Following the announcement, they said:


'We are here because we want to lead our party to success, to solidify and build on our position as the third political party in this country. To gain more members, and more electoral support. To be the real opposition to this feeble Conservative government. It is time for the Greens to shine and we intend to lead this party to the electoral success that we know is within our grasp and put powerful Green ideas at the heart of the political agenda. A better future is possible.'


Hear from the Brexit Monitoring Group here: We know how strongly Greens feel their European identity has been taken from them since the UK left the EU. As Remainers warned, the pain of exiting the EU is beginning to bite. Brexit reality is hurting every sector of society and seriously threatens peace in Northern Ireland, as Brexit negotiator, David Frost, unilaterally reneges on treaty obligations. Our solution is to support rejoining the Customs Union as a first step back to full membership. Here's how you can help fight back:

✔️Watch the State of the European Union debate that took place on Wednesday 15 September.

✔️Join the European Movement and swell their ranks. Molly Scott Cato is a member of the Executive. The Council of the European Movement is being elected in October and it would be great to have many Greens on it, but you must be a member to apply.

✔️Former MEP, Catherine Rowett and the GPEW EU Policy Working Group, are working to revise the Party’s Europe Policy Chapter which has not kept up with changes in Europe or the UK’s status. They are bringing this Motion to Autumn Conference, and planning to prepare major new policy over the next 18 months. Contact: [email protected] if you have questions.


🌱The Environment Bill: Our Green Peers Natalie Bennett and Jenny Jones worked hard to make sure that The House of Lords passed amendments that will guarantee the independence of the Office for Environmental Protection (EOP), protect soil health and adopt the World Health Organisation targets for pollutant PM 2.5.


🌱Government inaction on the climate crisis: In an interview for Channel 4 News, Caroline Lucas said there's a vast gulf between what Boris Johnson is saying and doing on the climate crisis.


🌱Fuel shortage: The Green Party backs calls to give key workers priority for fuel at the pumps.


🌱Ecotricity on carbon neutrality: Ecotricity are aiming to become carbon zero by 2025. That is why the Green Party is partnering with them - because we need everyone on board to make sure that we are building a green grid for everyone. Read more here & switch to Ecotricity here.


🌱New World Health Organisation air pollution limits: Caroline Russell, spokesperson on transport and healthy streets, responded to the World Health Organisation announcement that it was slashing its recommended limits for air pollution. She said the new limits must be a wake-up call for government.

Have a lovely rest of your weekend!


-- Green Team 💚