Dear TTP Patriots,
The House Redistricting maps are out, and Republican House Leadership is trying to turn HD92 BLUE!
HD92 (Jeff Cason) has been completely re-drawn in favor of Democrats. This seems to be in retaliation for the fact that Rep Cason has stood strong on his values and his constant defense of Republican Priorities. We cannot let this stand!
HD92 has been dear to the hearts of TTP followers since 2012, when then NETTP helped elect Jonathan Stickland, and he became the shining example of what we need and want in a House Rep. Then Jonathan retired, and Jeff Cason took his place in HD92, having been elected with a strong majority in the General Election.
HD92 has always been special to Tarrant County Republicans. It's the "people's" district. We recall when Jonathan Stickland served, his office became everyone's hang out. A grassroots activist could always count on a comfy couch, a place to plug in their phone and relax for a while, and a smile from the staff. It was "the peoples'" office. In one short session, Jeff has continued to provide that warm, friendly vibe in his office, welcoming everyone for whatever reason. Jeff's HD92 office is still the "peoples'" office.
Jeff has also continued to be that shining example of what we need and want, standing up and pushing back for conservative issues and values, totally accountable to the voters of HD92, and not to House leadership. Now House leadership wants to turn HD92 Blue, and we need to fight back.
Here is part of Rep Cason’s statement about the proposed maps from his FB post:
“The reason for this is simple; I am not a Republican who allows myself to be controlled by leadership, my vote belongs to you and not them. They reward members who give away their votes to leadership instead of independently representing the values of their voters.
Let me be clear. These maps were created with the approval of Craig Goldman and Stephanie Klick. They are two top chairmen and have the most pull in Tarrant County. We can only surrender a seat to Democrats and punish the most conservative Representative in Tarrant if they allow it. Unfortunately, it appears they planned it this way.”
Here's how you can help:
1) Click on the blue link to contact every member of the House Redistricting committee and tell them what you think of this new HD92! (watch your language - I know we'll be tempted to get colorful). Ask them why they would give up a strong Republican district and hand it over to Democrats?
2) Click on this blue link to find your House Representative and ask him/her to speak up for HD 92, and preserve the district and its conservative culture.
3) Get to Austin on Monday October 4th where the Redistricting committee will meet in public hearing and TESTIFY against the maps in HB1. If you want to hitch a ride, let us know and we’ll connect you. If you can go and want to carpool, email Fran at [email protected]
4) If you cannot get to Austin on Monday, then submit comments to the Committee on line. Click here to submit comments on HB1 for the hearing on Monday.
5) Pray for HD92.
6) Stephanie Klick and Craig Goldman are influential House leaders in Tarrant County, and have let this happen. Contact them, and demand that they keep HD 92 RED.
Let's do this together, and let the Texas House know that we will not stand for turning HD92 over to the Democrats.
Julie McCarty, CEO, True Texas Project
Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project