
While illegal immigrants flood through our borders in record numbers, our national security is rapidly deteriorating. 

We have seen some of the worst immigration policies in our nation’s history since Biden has opened our border and unleashed a wave of COVID positive illegal immigrants into our state! 

While Governor Abbott and I do all we can to give our Border Patrol the support they need to keep up the fight, Radical Democrats in Congress are undermining our Border Patrol and ensuring this crisis will continue into 2022!
From continuing to block the construction of the border wall, to opposing common-sense state laws that aid in apprehension, and busing immigrants into communities around the country, there are so many fights we have with Radical Leftists to stop this crisis.  We can't beat them on our own!

Texas deserves better than the Radical Left’s insane border policy. We need common-sense security measures that will guarantee our safety and ensure our rights, liberties, and futures are protected from these disastrous policies!

I need you to stand with me and send a message to the Leftists in our Congress: we want our border secured and we want it now! I’m counting on you to sign our petition today and join the fight to secure our Southern border!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne