Folks —
Thanks to you, I’m excited to announce that my campaign has officially reached its end-of-quarter goal!
Hitting this goal was a landmark for our grassroots organization and the impact that it has goes even beyond our campaign. Because of you, we showed the Republican Party that our team of supporters is energized and ready to fight to keep this district blue.
Let’s celebrate today and acknowledge that our work here isn’t done until we win in 2022. Will you chip in to my campaign and help build on the momentum we need to keep this seat bright blue in 2022?
With more than $1 million now being spent against me by Republican dark money and corporate interests, we’re up against a pretty strong machine. On top of that, the number of Republicans lined up against me to run is only growing — we’re now up to five!
And team, if I’m being honest, both of those figures are going to get much larger from now through 2022.
It goes without saying that we have a pretty big race on our hands. Now that we’ve hit our goal, I’m confident that we have the GOP bosses shaking in their shoes. So, let’s make sure we use that as an opportunity to make our message even clearer: we’re fighting hard to keep NV-03 blue.
Can you chip in to help send a clear message to the Republican bosses that we have the people power to keep NV-03 blue and send their candidates packing?
I’m so grateful to have the best group of supporters a campaign could ask for.
Thanks a bunch,
- Susie