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Critical race theory is one of the biggest challenges that America faces today.
This radical Marxist ideology has spread out from college campuses into the workplace, government and even the military.
Critical race theorists argue that America was founded on racial supremacy and oppression. Like conventional Marxism, this ideology divides society between the oppressors and the oppressed. But unlike old school Marxism, with its categorization by class, critical race theory categorizes Americans by race. 
This is deeply divisive and dangerous. So why on earth are we using public money to promote this agenda?
Here at the Mississippi Center for Public Policy we believe it is time to confront this divisive agenda – which is why this coming week we will be publishing a report on Combating Critical Race Theory in Mississippi.

Our report looks at how prevalent Critical Race Theory actually is in our state. We then set out a series of practical steps we believe our leaders need to take to ensure that this extremist agenda is not promoted using public money.
The United States was founded on the ideal that everyone possesses their own ‘inalienable rights.’ That principle, however imperfectly applied, helped to define the United States as a country that respected people as individuals. 
Critical race theory stands that ideal on its head, insisting instead that we define ourselves according to immutable characteristics. This ideology is profoundly un-American and anti-American.
Critical race theory can be defeated – but we need to first understand the extent to which it is actually being taught and appreciate precisely what it is. Our report is the first step towards accomplishing this in our state.
Please look out for my email - I will be sending you a link to download your personal copy in a few days. 
Have a great weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
Many on the Left claim to be supporters and advocates of blue-collar working families, such as farmers and ranchers. “Tax the Rich” they say. But an example of how untrue these claims are can be found in a proposed change to the capital gains tax that would hurt many family farms.
It can be easy to think about terms like “inflation” as theoretical ideas and not connect how much macroeconomics affects the lives of average Americans. But a recent development is an unfortunate example of just how much inflation actually affects average Americans. Retail chain “Dollar Tree” has recently announced it is raising prices above 1 dollar. can be easy to think about terms like “inflation” as theoretical ideas and not connect how much macroeconomics affects the lives of average Americans. But a recent development is an unfortunate example of just how much inflation actually affects average Americans. Retail chain “Dollar Tree” has recently announced it is raising prices above 1 dollar.
Douglas Carswell stopped by the SuperTalk studio to break down the failures of the Charter School advisory board to approve any new charter schools in the Magnolia State this year and to explain how he thinks we should move forward in cutting income tax.
In the name of combating misinformation, the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure recently issued a new policy that vaguely prohibits medical misinformation from being spread by doctors, particularly on social media.
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