First, I want to take a moment to say ‘Thank You’ for your support in helping us reach our end-of-quarter fundraising goal late last night. Grassroots supporters like you are what power this campaign — and I am so grateful to be in this fight for our democracy alongside you.

This past week has highlighted the ‘hostage-taking’ that the GOP thinks passes for legislative process in the Senate these days. Mitch McConnell is still threatening to tank our economy by blocking a vote to raise the debt ceiling because he believes that will somehow advance his goal of reclaiming the Senate gavel.

It’s unconscionable — but that’s where we are today. The second largest political party in our country is embracing the same burn-the-place-down ideology that inspired the deadly 1/6 insurrection — and they have demonstrated their willingness to do anything to harm the Biden presidency.

It’s up to all of us to stop them. Their abuse of power has made it crystal clear that we must end the filibuster and do everything in our power to push ahead with a strong forward-looking agenda to strengthen our democracy, address the climate crisis, and lift up American families and workers.

As always, thank you for being a partner in this fight to protect the great American experiment.




Chris is leading efforts in the Senate to strengthen our democracy, protect the right to vote, get secret money out of our elections, and advance social justice and racial equity. Contributions from grassroots supporters like you help our campaign make the investments it will take to re-elect Chris in 2022 and keep the Senate majority.