Following the Green Party's leadership by-election, Carla Denyer and Adriam Ramsay has been elected as the party's new co-leaders. Here's a message from them:



Following the Green Party's leadership by-election, Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay have been elected as the party's new co-leaders. Here's a message from them:


We want to say thank you so much to you, members of the Green Party, for voting for us as your next leaders. It’s really such an honour to lead this party. Thanks also to all the other candidates in the election and to our outgoing leaders Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley for their incredible service to the party.


Leadership of this party is not like that of others. We truly believe that our members are our lifeblood. They set our direction, they decide our policy and they choose our leaders – one member, one vote – and that will never change.

We are here because we want to lead our party to success, to solidify and build on our position as the third political party in this country. To gain more members, and more electoral support. To be the real opposition to this feeble Conservative government.


Our country is in crisis - pumps running out of petrol, empty shelves in supermarkets and millions heading into winter fearing rising fuel bills. More than ever, we need strong Green voices to make the compelling case for a Green - and fair - transition, a just transition.


We’ve been called the ‘next generation’ of leaders and that’s something we take really seriously. For our own futures and the futures of our children, our families, our communities we must and we will succeed. 


In our first 100 days as co-leaders of the Green party, we are committed to putting our bold policies like the Green New Deal centre stage in the debate.  We will use the opportunity of COP26 – happening now in just a matter of weeks – to call out this lacklustre government on its lack of climate leadership and greenwashing.


And we will work tirelessly to elect more Greens at every level of government. Greens in Power are making real, tangible differences to the communities they represent, from Brighton & Hove in the south to Lancaster in the north, and a dozen councils in between. And we are winning new seats, from Bristol to Burnley, Norfolk to Knowsley. We want to see Greens on every council in every corner of England and Wales continue to make those changes which are so sorely needed. 


We’re committed - as leaders of this party - to bringing our members, our supporters, and the huge numbers of people out there who want something different, something better, along on this journey with us. 


It is time for the Greens to shine and we intend to lead this party to the electoral success that we know is within our grasp and put powerful Green ideas at the heart of the political agenda. A better future is possible. 


Adrian Ramsay & Carla Denyer



P.S. Our movement has never been more powerful. Now is the time to join the Green Party. Are you with us?