Weekly Reads
“When philanthropy gets it wrong, it not only results in diminished funding for those on the frontlines of racial justice, it also dangerously diminishes the perceived scale and impact of movements like the movement for Black lives in public debate, and fuels the kind of conservative backlash we are witnessing today. Bottom line is, philanthropy needs to put in the work to get the data on racial equity and racial justice right.” [more]
Mismatched: Philanthropy's Response to the Call for Racial Justice, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE)
“The work to counter hate funding doesn’t have to parallel the ideological divides that exist in society. One can be supportive of racial justice and equity and still be conservative in American society. Ironically, this moment provides an opportunity to model, to build a bridge, and this is a place to do that. Pushing back on political violence and standing up for democracy isn’t a question of progressive or conservative, one just needs to be in community.” [more]
Values-Aligned Philanthropy: Foundations Resisting Hate and Extremism, Council on Foundations
“Philanthropy must fund Black women leaders who are imaginative in creating and running organizations that not only address Black pain but also highlight Black joy and possibility.” [more]
Maria S. Johnson, Black Women and Girls Fund, for the Johnson Center for Philanthropy
“The overwhelming majority of nonprofit leaders (82 percent) who have received capacity building support as a complement to a multiyear [general operating support] grant found it very or extremely helpful, describing it as helping them invest in and strengthen their organizations. They say that receiving capacity building supports as a complement to a multiyear general operating support grant helped them plan for the future, focus on their work, and invest in staff while making targeted improvements. [...] Leaders describe strengthening operations, planning, fundraising, raised communications capacities, investing in staff professional development, and improving their DEI efforts.” [more]
Naomi Orensten, CEP, and Kate Gehling, JD candidate at the University of Chicago Law School, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy