Your vote takes just a couple of seconds, and can have a BIG impact in our work.

Dear Supporter,

We’ve got great news to share:  We’ve been chosen as one of three non-profit organizations receiving donations from a CREDO Mobile grant this month. CREDO will give out $150,000 dollars this month, split between the three organizations, and how much we receive depends on you!

This month we are excited to bring you new training opportunities, and when you vote, you help us keep our trainings free and open to everyone. We believe that the movement to end harassment can be supported by small and big actions, and just a few seconds that you spend voting for us will add up and help fund our expanding training work!

Voting for Hollaback! is a quick and easy way to support our work.

Voting ends October 30th, so don’t wait! And thank you for all your support so far!

With love,
