Refuse Fascism podcast #78:
Town Hall on Abortion Rights Emergency
Uploaded September 26: Hosted by Sunsara Taylor, writer for, host and producer of We Only Want the World on WBAI and WPFW, and co-host of The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less — Show; featuring Dahlia Lithwick, Dr. Warren Hern, Sam Goldman, Michelle Xai & Toni RedTree.

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The extreme Texas Abortion Ban caught most people by surprise. Next
month, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a direct challenge to the
1973 landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. This round
table aims to sound the alarm on this assault on women’s fundamental
rights, deepen understanding of the stakes, arouse people’s fighting
spirit to not let this go down, and explore what kind of future is
possible and worth fighting for.
Hosted by Sunsara Taylor, writer for, host and producer of We Only Want the World on WBAI and WPFW, and co-host of The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less — Show.
The program includes:
A legal break-down by Dahlia Lithwick, who writes about the courts and the law for Slate and hosts the podcast Amicus.
A message from courageous abortion provider, Dr. Warren Hern.
A round-table between:
Sam Goldman, of the Editorial Board and host of the
Refuse Fascism Podcast Toni RedTree, writer for and follower
of the revolutionary architect of the New Communism, Bob Avakian
Michelle Xai, member of the Los Angeles Revolution Club and organizer
of the Break the Chains contingents at the October 2 marches for
reproductive rights.
Now is the time for everyone, everywhere, to get in the streets to stop this fascist assault on abortion rights!...
Join RefuseFascism in marching Saturday October 2
See growing list called by the WomensMarch, endorsed by
Look for RefuseFascism contingents here:
Atlanta 10:45 am Piedmont & MLK outside Liberty Plaza
Boston: 11:30 am Franklin Park Playstead, Pierpoint Road
Chicago: 11:30 am Daley Plaza
Honolulu: 9:00 am Hawaii State Capitol
NYC: 1:15 pm Center & Worth Streets
Philadelphia: 11:15 am Rodin Museum
San Francisco: 10:30 am West side of Main Library, 100 Larkin Street
Seattle: 2:00 pm Westlake Park
>> Download flyers, posters, stickers, banners to take to the march
>> Send your plans @RefuseFascism / [email protected]
>> Post your photos @RefuseFascism
>> Donate to bring this message publicly & loudly to the streets
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
Get Your Laws and Vigilantes Off Our Bodies!
Abortion on Demand and Without Apology!
2021 mission statement
Connect with and donate to the movement:
Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism
Cashapp: @RefuseFascism
Web: national team 917 407 1286