1. GOP hits it out of the park for charity

It’s our honor to have sponsored the annual bipartisan Congressional Baseball Game for Charity this week.
The Republicans reversed a losing streak on Wednesday with a 13-12 thriller at Nationals Park. Home runs by Reps. Greg Steube (R-FL), Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) and Blake Moore (R-UT) fueled the win in what has been called “one of the best games in the Congressional Baseball Game history.”
Fun facts:
- 1909 was the inaugural Congressional Baseball game.
- Last Republican win was 2016.
- Ticket sales, concessions and sponsors raised $1.2 million.
- Proceeds go to charities including The Washington Literacy Center, The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington, and United States Capitol Police Memorial Fund.

2. Energy Act of 2020 benefits come to light
If fully funded, the Energy Act could lead to 2,500 million metric tons of CO2 reductions over the next 17 years.
Rewind: Congress recently passed one of the biggest advancements in clean energy and climate policy in over a decade – the monumental, bipartisan Energy Act of 2020.
- Spencer Nelson covers some estimated emissions reductions benefits in a new blog posted this week.
What’s clear: We need more clean energy technologies that can be ramped up affordably. Research, development and demonstration (RD&D) programs can have a tremendous impact.
What’s in the Energy Act: The think tank Resources for the Future (RFF) recently published an analysis of the impact of the Energy Act for five advanced energy technologies — nuclear, carbon capture, storage, direct air capture and geothermal — if fully funded for 10 years.
- RFF found that 10 years of funding for these five technologies could represent between 142 to 1,029 million metric tons of cumulative CO2 abatement through 2038.
- When combined with other tax credit and bipartisan regulatory policies, this law could lead to reduction in carbon emissions of between 1,400 and 2,500 million metric tons of CO2 over the next 17 years.
Plug in: Rich Powell explains more in our video, The Energy Act of 2020: A Monumental Climate and Clean Energy Bill.
3. Nikki Haley’s conservative alternative to GND

Nikki Haley was featured in a Daily Caller video this week highlighting how conservatives are leading on climate solutions with clean energy innovation.
What’s clear: By hearing the former South Carolina Governor and potential 2024 presidential contender leading with a prominent climate message, momentum for solutions continues to grow.
4. Hermes coming to Oak Ridge National Lab
Kairos Power hosted an event this week on the Hermes low-power demonstration reactor planned for Oak Ridge, TN.
What’s clear: Kairos Power is planning to establish its demonstration reactor at the East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) in Oak Ridge to demonstrate its capability to deliver low-cost nuclear heat.
- $100 million invested in the Hermes reactor is a scaled version of Kairos Power’s Fluoride Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactor (KP-FHR), an advanced reactor technology that aims to be cost-competitive with natural gas in the U.S. electricity market.
- The Hermes reactor is scheduled to be operational in 2026.
5. Rich sits down with PBS
ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell sat down with PBS to tape an interview for their documentary series: Power Trip: The Story of Energy.
- The educational series will cover the past, present and future of energy in the U.S. and around the world.
- It will air later this year or early next.
6. Mavericks’ 2021 Future 40 award
ClearPath External Affairs Managing Director Luke Bolar was named an honoree of Mavericks’ 2021 Future 40 award, which recognizes conservative young professionals across the country that embody the next generation of leadership in the public and private sector. Congratulations, Luke!