Live Green - It's Too Late for Gradual Policy
Illinois Green Party is a grassroots political party.
We do not accept corporate contributions.
The Green Party is needed today more than ever. With both parties currently in power answering to big money special interests, only a party that rejects all big money special interest donations and stands for the 99% can help restore true democratic government in America.
Want to Run for Office?
Take a look at our Resources, Expectations and
how you can get started!
Recognition Questionnaires
Monday, October 4th, at 7PM
Organizer Meeting - Saturdays at 10am CST
Join the Illinois Green Party every week to organize!
Monthly Protest - Every 1st Saturday at Noon
Oct 2, Nov 6, and Dec 4
DuPage Greens Medicare for All Protest
Illinois Green Party Series
Finally, something to look forward to on Mondays! Join Illinois Green Party members and co-hosts David Rych and Calvin Tomaschko to hear from candidates, coalition members, and Illinois Green Party members! Green Party Series livestreams on Youtube and Facebook every Monday at 7pm CST.
November 13th
With peace,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
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