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This September issue of the newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications
related to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Irish-related publications
Trends in drug poisoning deaths, by sex, in Ireland: a repeated cross-sectional study from 2004 to
Lynn, Ena and Cousins, Grainne and Lyons, Suzi and Bennett, Kathleen E (2021) BMJ Open, 11, (9),
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Drug use, harm-reduction practices and attitudes toward the utilisation of drug safety testing
services in an Irish cohort of festival-goers.
Ivers, Jo-Hanna and Killeen, Nicki and Keenan, Eamon (2021) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early
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Report of the Emerging Drug Trends and Drug Checking Working Group 2021.
HSE National Social Inclusion Office. (2021) Dublin: HSE
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Report of the Night-Time Economy Taskforce.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
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Alcohol marketing during the 2020 Six Nations Championship: a frequency analysis.
Purves, Richard I and Critchlow, Nathan (2021) SHAAP, IAS and AAI
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Reducing harm, supporting recovery progress report 2020.
Drugs Policy and Social Inclusion Unit (2021) Dublin: Department of Health.
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A space of her own. The need for gender specific services for women experiencing homelessness and
(2021) Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland
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Radical listening project on women’s health.
MCCP (2021) Dublin: Women’s Health Taskforce and Department of Health
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Naloxone stories from Dublin. Insights from staff and service users to mark International Overdose
Awareness Day 31st August 2021.
(2021) Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project
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Synthetic cannabinoids in Europe – a review.
Auwärter, Volker et al (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Modelling the impact of increased alcohol taxation on alcohol-attributable cancers in the WHO
European Region.
Kilian, Carolin et al The Lancet Regional Health Europe, Early online, (100225).
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Is Europe also facing an opioid crisis? - A survey of European Pain Federation chapters.
Häuser, Winfried (2021) European Journal of Pain, 25, (8), pp. 1760-1769
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Edible cannabis toxicity in young-children an-emergent serious public health threat.
Mattimoe, C et al I (2021) Irish Medical Journal, 18, (8), p. 446.
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Monaghan and Cavan Youth Substance Support (MaCYSS). Rapid assessment/consultation.
Alcohol Forum Ireland (2021) Letterkenny: Alcohol Forum Ireland.
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Sides... filmed for Red Door Recovery Project 2021.
Walsh, Orla (2021) Louth: Red Door Recovery Project
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Increased smoking and e-cigarette use among Irish teenagers: a new threat to Tobacco Free Ireland
Sunday, Salome and Hanafin, Joan and Clancy, Luke (2021) ERJ Open Research, Early online.
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Submission to the World Health Organisation (WHO) web based consultation on the first draft of
Global alcohol action plan 2022-2030 to strengthen implementation of the Global Strategy to Reduce
the Harmful Use of Alcohol.
(2021) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland
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The use of public houses as a collective representation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland.
O'Brien, John (2021) Irish Journal of Sociology, Early online.
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Tracking the Irish adult population during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: A methodological
report of the COVID-19 psychological research consortium (C19PRC) study in Ireland.
Spikol, Eric et al (2021) Acta Psychologica, 220. 103416.
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Therapeutic potential of long-acting opioids and opioid antagonists for SARS CoV-2 infection.
Eagleton, Marie et al (2021) British Journal of Anaesthesia, Early online.
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2021 review of the youth work sector response to the covid-19 pandemic – summary report.
(2021) Dublin: National Youth Council of Ireland.
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Cost-effectiveness of mass screening for Hepatitis C virus among all inmates in an Irish prison.
Ward, Zoe (2021) The International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online, 103394.
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Survey of plant-based fermented beverages available on the Irish market.
(2021) Dublin: Food Safety Authority of Ireland
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An overview of recent advances in opioid agonist treatment (OAT).
McNicholas, M et al (2021) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online.
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Overview of tertiary addictions services response to opioid dependence during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hennigan, K et al (2021) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online, pp. 1-14.
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[Audio] Real Health: Smoking SOS with Dr Damien Lowry.
Henry, Karl (2021) Dublin: Independent.ie.
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Cognitive decline associated with anticholinergics, benzodiazepines and Z-drugs: Findings from The
Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA).
Moriarty, Frank et al (2021) British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, (7), pp. 2818-2829
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Information sharing in community policing in Europe: building public confidence.
Aston, Elizabeth V et al (2021) European Journal of Criminology, Early online.
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A review of the inclusion of equity stratifiers for the measurement of health inequalities within
health and social care data collections in Ireland.
Carroll, Christopher et al (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, (1), p. 1705
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Preventing harm, empowering recovery. A strategic framework to tackle the harm from substance use
Northern Ireland. Department of Health (2021) Belfast: Department of Health
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The problem gambling podcast. Season five.
Grant, Barry and O'Reilly, Tony (2021)
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Sláintecare mid-year Progress Report for 2021.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Health
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National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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National Suicide Research Foundation annual report 2020.
(2021) Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation
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Review of the Adult Cautioning Scheme final report.
Crowe (2020) Dublin: Policing Authority
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An Garda Siochana annual policing plan 2021.
(2021) Tullamore An Garda Siochana
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Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2020.
Criminal Assets Bureau (2021) Dublin: Department of Justice
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Irish Penal Reform Trust annual review & financial statement 2020 – 2021.
(2021) Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.
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Dublin Simon Community annual review 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Dublin Simon Community
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Drinkaware annual report & financial statements 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Drinkaware
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Tax on Ireland’s drinks and hospitality sector in 2021.
Foley, Anthony (2021) Dublin: Drinks Industry Group of Ireland
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Tobacco Free Ireland annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Health
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Recorded crime Q2 2021.
CSO (2021) Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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International publications
Implementing quality standards for drug services and systems: a six-step guide to support quality
EMCDDA (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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A grounded theory study: how non-treatment-seeking substance users make sense of their behaviour “I
want to be me but I don’t know who me is”.
Lawson, Sarah and Griffiths, Helen (2021) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,
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[Video] Understanding patient preferences for drug dependence treatment.
(2021) National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
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How might the 'Icelandic model' for preventing substance use among young people be developed and
adapted for use in Scotland? Utilising the consolidated framework for implementation research in a
qualitative exploratory study.
Carver, Hannah (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, (1), p. 1742.
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A qualitative exploration of young people's experiences of attempted suicide in the context of
alcohol and substance use.
Guest, Rebecca et al (2021) PLoS ONE, 16, (8), e0256915
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The Drug Science podcast #46 - Human behaviour with Dame Theresa Marteau.
Nutt, David (2021) London: Drug Science
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Lessons learned from the first European project on the integration of infectious diseases in testing
services, data collection and country responses.
Raben, Dorthe et al (2021) BMC Infectious Diseases, 21, (Suppl 2), 690
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The illicit trade of cocaine from Latin America to Europe – from oligopolies to free for-all?
UNODC and EUROPOL (2021) Cocaine Insights 1. Vienna: UNODC
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Care and treatment for people with alcohol related brain damage in Scotland. A report on visits to
people and services across Scotland in 2021.
(2021) Edinburgh: Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland.
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Reimagining brief interventions for alcohol: towards a paradigm fit for the twenty first century?
McCambridge, Jim (2021) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16, (1), p. 41
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The "Outcome Reporting in Brief Intervention Trials: Alcohol" (ORBITAL) core outcome set:
international consensus on outcomes to measure in efficacy and effectiveness trials of alcohol brief
Shorter, Gillian W et al (2021) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82, (5), pp. 638-646.
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Pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorders - unequal provision across sociodemographic factors and
co-morbid conditions. A cohort study of the total population in Sweden.
Wallhed Finn, et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 108964. doi:
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Screening for alcohol use in pregnancy: a review of current practices and perspectives.
Dozet, Danijela et al (2021) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Early online,
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Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: health needs assessment.
(2021) London: Department of Health and Social Care
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The effects of alcohol consumption and its associations with disease activity among 979 patients
with inflammatory arthritis.
Turk, Matthew et al (2021) RMD Open, 7, (2).
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Trajectories of alcohol consumption during life and the risk of developing breast cancer.
Donat-Vargas, Carolina et al (2021) British Journal of Cancer, doi: 10.1038/s41416-021-01492-w
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Acute consumption of alcohol and discrete atrial fibrillation events.
Marcus, Gregory M et al (2021) Annals of Internal Medicine, Early online.
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Treatment for opioid use disorder in the Florida medicaid population: Using a cascade of care model
to evaluate quality.
Johnson, Kimberly et al (2021) The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 47, (2), pp. 220-228.
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Tracing the affordances of long-acting injectable depot buprenorphine: a qualitative study of
patients' experiences in Australia.
Barnett, Anthony et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 227. 108959
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Buprenorphine management in the perioperative period: educational review and recommendations from a
multisociety expert panel.
Kohan, Lynn et al (2021) Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 46, (10), pp. 840-859
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Selectivity and sensitivity of urine fentanyl test strips to detect fentanyl analogues in illicit
Bergh, Marianne Skov-Skov et al (2021) International Journal on Drug Policy, 90. 103065
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Refraining from use diminishes cannabis-associated epigenetic changes in human sperm.
Schrott, Rose et al (2021) Environmental Epigenetics, 7, (1), dvab009
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Cannabis regulation: lessons from the illicit tobacco trade.
Gomis, Benoît (2021) London: International Drug Policy Consortium
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Recent cannabis use and myocardial infarction in young adults: a cross-sectional study.
Ladha, Karim S et al (2021) Canadian Medical Association Journal, 193, (35), E1377-E1384
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Global bioethical challenges of medicalising psychedelics.
Miceli McMillan, Ricardo (2021) Journal of Psychedelic Studies, Early online. DOI:
[link removed] (In Press)
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Methamphetamine from Afghanistan: signals indicate that Europe should be better prepared.
EMCDDA (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Recreational N2O use: just laughing or really bad news?
van Amsterdam, Jan et al (2021) Addiction, doi: 10.1111/add.15652
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Increase in recreational drug use between 2008 and 2018: results from a prospective cohort study
among HIV-negative men who have sex with men.
Coyer, Liza et al (2021) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15666
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A new way of working: ending rough sleeping together. Final report.
(2021) London: The Kerslake Commission on Homelessness and Rough Sleeping.
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Good for you, good for us, good for everybody. A plan to reduce overprescribing to make patient care
better and safer, support the NHS, and reduce carbon emissions.
(2021) London: Department of Health and Social Care.
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Disparities in stressful life events among children aged 5–17 years: United States, 2019
Ullmann, Heidi et al (2021) Hyattsville, MD: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Addiction audio: Robert West on the Addiction Paper Authoring Tool.
Calder, Robert and West, Robert (2021) London: Society for the Study of Addiction.
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Characteristics of women who stop smoking in pregnancy. Experimental analysis of smoking data from
the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS) April 2018 to March 2019.
Public Health England (2021) London: Public Health England
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International expert consensus on electronic nicotine delivery systems and heated tobacco products:
a Delphi survey.
Berlin, Ivan et al (2021) BMJ Open, 11, (e045724).
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Electronic cigarette and smoking paraphernalia point of sale displays: an observational study in
Brocklebank, Laura A et al (2021) Tobacco Control, Early online. doi:
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E-cigarette use and respiratory disorders: an integrative review of converging evidence from
epidemiological and laboratory studies.
Wills, Thomas A et al (2021) European Respiratory Journal, 57. 1901815. doi:
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Strategies to improve smoking cessation rates in primary care.
Lindson, Nicola et al (2021) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (9). Art. No.: CD011556. DOI:
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Impact of wagering inducements on the gambling behaviors of on-line gamblers: A longitudinal study
based on gambling tracking data.
Balem, Marianne et al (2021) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15665
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Langer's illusion of control and the cognitive model of disordered gambling.
Clark, Luke and Wohl, Michael JA (2021) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15649
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Excessive and pathological Internet use - risk-behavior or psychopathology?
Kaess, Michael et al (2021) Addictive Behaviors, 123. 107045
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New report reveals scale of alcohol promotion throughout Six Nations Rugby championship.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (30 Sep 2021)
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First cannabis-based product under MCAP to be available from next month.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (29 Sep 2021)
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Gardaí warn college freshers of the dangers of recreational drug use.
[Irish Examiner] Heaney, Steven (21 Sep 2021)
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'He owed money and these people wanted money': Drugs, debts and the silent toll on families.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (18 Sep 2021)
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Experts want pilot project to test drugs at music festivals.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Sep 2021)
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Statement on the report of the night-time economy taskforce.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (17 Sep 2021)
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Nitrous-oxide: Laughing gas hits a new high in Ireland.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (11 Sep 2021)
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'No plans' to reinstate HSE rehab unit closed during pandemic.
[thejournal.ie] Delaney, Maria (10 Sep 2021)
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Alcohol action call for bold action in addressing Ireland’s problematic alcohol use in pre-budget
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (09 Sep 2021)
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Gambling industry must pay for addiction treatment.
[Irish Times] O'Gara, Colin (09 Sep 2021)
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Drugs trade 'never waned', bucking Covid crime trends.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (01 Sep 2021)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Seanad Éireann debate. Order of business [Staff regulation]. [
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] (29 Sep 2021)
Dail Eireann debate. Cabinet Committees [Citizens' assembly on drugs]. [
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] (28 Sep 2021)
Dail Eireann debate. Criminal Justice (Public Order) (Quadbikes and Scramblers) (Amendment) Bill
2021: Second Stage [Private Members]. [
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] (23 Sep 2021)
Dail Eireann debate. Topical issue debate - Tobacco control measures. [
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] (23 Sep 2021)
Joint Committee on Health debate - Mental health services: discussion. [
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] (22 Sep 2021)
Dáil Éireann debate. Garda Siochana (Functions and Operational Areas) Bill 2021: Second Stage. [
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] (22 Sep 2021)
Dáil Éireann debate. EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Motion. [
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] (21 Sep 2021)
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