From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject SPLC: “Stop stalling and let's negotiate!”
Date October 1, 2021 9:51 AM
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SPLC: "Stop stalling and let's negotiate!"

Hilton worker webinar now on video

Your Rights At Work: Hollywood strike, More Paid Family Leave and union-busting at Merriweather Lakehouse

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Womxn's Labor Leadership Symposium: WILL Empower Awards ceremony 2021: Fri, October 1, 11:30am - 1:30pm

REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED, but the public-facing session - the WILL Empower Awards ceremony - will be available via Facebook live on the [link removed] Center for Innovation in Worker Organization Facebook page linked here.

NATCA Sponsored Member-to-Member Lit Drop Walk: Sat, October 2, 9am - 1pm

Come to NoVA Labor for a member-to-member lit drop rally. NATCA's AnneMarie Sullivan will sing the National Anthem!
Due to covid precautions we will gather outdoors and we will not be serving lunch. Individually wrapped breakfast snacks and water will be provided.
4536 John Marr Drive, Annandale. Questions contact Bob Zabel. mailto:[email protected] [email protected] 317-489-2501.

SPLC: "Stop stalling and let's negotiate!"
Two years after workers at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) voted in a union, they still don't have a contract. "All that workers have received in the years since unionizing and beginning the bargaining process were empty promises," reports Fatima Hussein, president of Washington-Baltimore News Guild Local 32035. The workers belong to the SPLC Union, part of WBNG 32035. The union launched a [link removed] letter-writing campaign this week to "Tell the Southern Poverty Law Center to come to the bargaining table prepared to negotiate wages for employees that reflect the financial health of the organization and the value of our work."

Hilton worker webinar now on video
If you missed Wednesday's webinar, Hilton Is Playing Dirty with its Housekeepers, it's now available on video. Hilton is slashing jobs by phasing out daily room cleaning. On the webinar you'll hear from the hotel workers' union UNITE HERE and from a Hilton housekeeping worker about how the change means fewer jobs and more worker injuries. To view the webinar and learn how you can help,[link removed] CLICK HERE.

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Your Rights At Work: Hollywood strike, More Paid Family Leave and union-busting at Merriweather Lakehouse
On [link removed] this week's show: Hollywood could be facing the biggest strike since World War Two; IATSE 488's CDavid Cottrill tells us why the folks who make the movies and shows we love are so fed up. Major updates to the DC Paid Family & Medical Leave Act go into effect on October 1; Jobs with Justice organizer Melinda Fiedler explains new benefits and expanded access. And the Sheraton in Columbia, Maryland is now the Merriweather Lakehouse hotel, but a lot more than the name has changed: UNITE HERE Local 7's Tracy Lingo tells us about how hotel workers are being left out in the cold.

Today's Labor Quote: Woody Guthrie

Folk singer/songwriter Woody Guthrie ("This Land is Your Land", "Union Maid" and hundreds of others) died on October 3, 1967 of Huntington's disease in New York at the age of 55.


This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Feathers and Pennies - the 1888 Matchgirls and us. Last week's show: Rich Trumka on [link removed] "Art is why they remember our struggles."

October 1
Twenty-one die when the L.A. Times building is dynamited during a citywide fight over labor rights and organizing. A union member ultimately confessed to the bombing, which he said was supposed to have occurred early in the morning when the building would have been largely unoccupied - 1910

Thousands of dairy farmers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Iowa strike in demand of higher prices for their milk - 1935

The National Hockey League (NHL) team owners began a lockout of the players that lasted 103 days - 1994

October 2
Joining with 400,000 coal miners already on strike, 500,000 CIO steel workers close down the nation's foundries, steel and iron mills, demanding pensions and better wages and working conditions - 1949

Starbucks Workers Union baristas at an outlet in East Grand Rapids, Mich., organized by the Wobblies, win their grievances after the National Labor Relations Board cites the company for labor law violations, including threats against union activists - 2007

Union members, progressives and other rally in Washington DC under the Banner of One Nation Working Together, demand "good jobs, equal justice, and quality education for all." Crowd estimates range from tens of thousands to 200,000 - 2010

October 3
The state militia is called in after 164 high school students in Kincaid, Ill. go on strike when the school board buys coal from the scab Peabody Coal Co. - 1932

Pacific Greyhound Lines bus drivers in seven western states begin what is to become a three-week strike, eventually settling for a 10.5 percent raise - 1945

The United Auto Workers calls for a company-wide strike against Ford Motor Co., the first since Ford's initial contract with the union 20 years earlier - 1961

Baseball umpires strike for recognition of their newly-formed Major League Umpires Association, win after one day - 1970

- David Prosten.

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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