"The average illegal alien granted amnesty would cost those retirement and insurance programs about $129,000 more than he contributes via payroll taxes over his lifetime. Multiply that by the 8 million people possibly included in this amnesty, and taxpayers will be on the hook for roughly $1 trillion in additional liabilities.
It's clear that amnesty would effectively bankrupt our beleaguered entitlements.
...There is simply no job that native-born workers and naturalized citizens won't do. But if they're forced to compete with millions of newly amnestied workers, it'll be harder for citizens to bargain for better wages and benefits.
It's basic supply and demand. Over a dozen credible, peer-reviewed studies have all found that an influx of foreign workers drives down wages. And perversely, less-skilled and minority workers - including many naturalized citizens - tend to suffer the most drastic wage effects."