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Minnesota Family Council


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Dear John,

We Minnesotans are generally very proud of our flagship university. The U is consistently ranked one of the 100 best universities in the world, and, well -- go Gophers! 

The University of Minnesota is also a public institution, supported by the tax dollars of ordinary Minnesotans. That means you and I get to have a say, indirectly, in how the University is run. We want our flagship university to reflect our state's values. A policy that penalizes students for using the "wrong" pronouns does not reflect Minnesota values. 

That's why I am writing to ask you to submit comments on the University of Minnesota's proposed "Gender Identity" policy as a citizen of our state. It is important to speak out now, as the comment period ends November 4.

The proposed policy would make it an "option" to share and use preferred pronouns. It is clear that there would be unspecified penalties imposed for people who do not abide by this policy. What does this mean? It means that if a male student asks a female student to refer to him as "she" and she fails to comply, she may face disciplinary action for being "transphobic."

This amounts to harassment of students who believe that using pronouns tied to biological sex (he for men, she for women) is protected speech under the First Amendment. We should all defend the rights of students who choose to use biological pronouns.

Click here to read the policy and scroll down to the bottom to submit comments.

Here are some talking points you can use in your comments on this proposed policy:
  • It is wrong for a taxpayer-funded institution to criminalize the speech of law-abiding students.
  • It's not harassment to use pronouns based on biology. 
  • Gender Identity policies often target conservative and religious groups from a number of different faith backgrounds. It is the duty of the University to honor students' religious and political viewpoints.
  • The U of M should protect, not suppress, free exchange of ideas.
  • The U of M policy would effectively remove sex-based privacy protections for showers, locker rooms, dorms, and restrooms (such as female-only spaces). This is a privacy issue that would affect the privacy, safety, and dignity of ALL students.
  • • Gender identity is based on one’s feelings while biological sex is an objective characteristic.  Students have long been separated by biological sex in activities like sports and intimate spaces like locker rooms. Sex matters when we’re talking about physical abilities and privacy, and it is female students who stand to lose the most when they are deprived of these opportunities.

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In Christ Jesus,

john helmberger copy2.jpg John Helmberger, Chief Executive Officer
Minnesota Family Council 


P.S. These "Gender Identity" policies we're seeing around the state? It's very important to stand up and show the real harm these policies could result in. In these confused times, it's more important than ever to stand up for truth about God's design for our bodies and our families. That's what we're doing, with God's help.

Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or even more today, as God leads, will help us bless parents and families across our state and around the country. Thank you and God bless! 

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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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