Rodney Foxworth, Chief Executive Officer
A common question in the face of inequity is often, “What can be done?” I consider myself lucky in that I rarely ask myself that question. While it can certainly prompt people to search for the latest innovation, I’ve seen for several decades how people across the country are building solutions.
In this newsletter, you’ll get a chance to see some of these leaders as well. Thomas Barr and Monique Garcia of Local Arizona First show you how they are restoring capital to Latino communities in Arizona. Nikishka Iyengar of The Guild shares her experience building Atlanta’s first co-living community, supporting entrepreneurs, artists and community organizers amidst the rapid gentrification of a majority-Black city. Director of Partnerships and Policy Lauren Paul explains how we’re advocating for the greater prioritization of community voices in economic policy development. Members of the Common Future team will also show you how the immigrant mindset is a form of power in and of itself, harnessing the history and wisdom of their communities to inform how they take on the work of building an equitable economy.
So rather than asking, “What can be done?” I hope you’ll ask, “How can I support, bear witness, and uplift community power?”
In Love and Power,
We hope you’ll take this time to reflect with us and share what we’re doing to create a more inclusive economy. Like the stories you read? Share them with your network on social and be sure to tag @commonfutureco.