Making a call takes two minutes but has a HUGE impact.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)
John - We need EVERYONE to call their Congressperson and urge them to pass the budget reconciliation package with a FULL investment in home and community-based services.

CALL 1-855-678-4150



John — We are so close to winning the largest investment in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in history! It’s time for Congress to get in motion. We need EVERYONE to call their Congressperson and urge them to pass the budget reconciliation package with a FULL investment in HCBS.

Can we count on you to take action today and call your member of Congress to tell them to vote FOR the Reconciliation Package AND to include full funding for home and community-based services? Whether someone picks up or you leave a voice message, here’s all you have to do:

CALL 1-855-678-4150

This critical investment would raise wages for care workers — most of whom are women of color — to ensure they’re able to build financial security for themselves and their families and will strengthen our care infrastructure by:

Making a call takes two minutes but has a HUGE impact. Take action TODAY and urge your Congressperson to deliver a reconciliation package with a FULL investment in HCBS.

CALL 1-855-678-4150

Thanks for all that you do,

Celeste Faison
Director of Campaigns, National Domestic Workers Alliance