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 News of the Week

Candidates Vie for Queens’ Last GOP Council Seat, Among the ‘Most Competitive’ Election Races
Felicia Singh, a teacher who triumphed in the Democratic Party’s crowded primary in June, will square off with Queens Republican Party Chairwoman Joann Ariola on Nov. 2. The district includes parts of the Rockaway peninsula, Howard Beach, Belle Harbor, Woodhaven, and South Ozone Park.
The city’s Department of Homeless Services (DHS) said it will stop contracting with Aguila to run the men’s shelter inside the Park View Hotel on West 110th St., across the street from Central Park, by the end of the year as it seeks to weed out inadequate providers.
Con Edison cut the gas to the West 145th Street building—a former cluster site shelter housing dozens of formerly homeless families—on May 14, after inspectors found dangerous corrosion on the line leading to the street. Tenants are still waiting.
The initiatives come just over two weeks after the remnants of Hurricane Ida caused flash-flooding that killed over a dozen New Yorkers and after a summer of multiple record-breaking heat waves.

NYPD Can No Longer Access Sealed Arrest Records Without Court Order, Judge Rules
“Until today, the NYPD has been using private information from sealed arrests in over a dozen of their interconnected surveillance databases, and has trained its officers that it is okay to violate the law,” said Niji Jain, an attorney at the Bronx Defenders.

Residents and Riverkeeper Sue Queens Waste Facilities, Alleging Water Pollution
"Stormwater runoff is one of the most significant sources of water pollution in the nation—comparable to, if not greater than, contamination from industrial and sewage sources."— The Baykeeper, Riverkeeper, and residents are suing Queens waste facilities.

Manhattan Dems Pick Cordell Cleare to Replace Brian Benjamin in Harlem Senate Race
“The Manhattan Democratic Party is proud to support the selection by the 30th Senate District Committee of Cordell Cleare as their Democratic Nominee for the New York State Senate,” the party said in a Saturday evening release.

Apply Now For Fall: Youth Reporting Internship with City Limits


Una Ciudad Sin Límites

¿Qué opciones hay luego de la decisión de la parlamentarian en inmigración?
Elizabeth McDonough, la parlamentarian, escribió en su fallo que este caso “supera sustancialmente el impacto presupuestario”. Entonces ¿qué opciones quedan para presionar por una reforma que abra el camino para la ciudadanía a millones de indocumentados?

Celebración del 45º aniversario de City Limits y su presentación del Salón de la Fama
El evento marcará el lanzamiento del Salón de la Fama de City Limits, que honrará a cuatro líderes comunitarias de Nueva York por sus contribuciones a la justicia, los medios de comunicación, la vivienda y el desarrollo económico. Podrá participar en el evento de forma presencial o virtual el próximo 18 de noviembre.

Los latinos e inmigrantes que ocuparon Wall Street, 10 años después
¿Cuál fue el rol de los latinos e inmigrantes durante el Ocupa Walls Street? ¿Cómo el tema de inmigración se sumó a las demandas de los ocupantes de Wall Street? Participantes, académicos y periodistas reconstruyen la influencia de los latinos y los inmigrantes en la ocupación.

“I just want to get back into my place as soon as I can so I can give my kids somewhere that’s stable and not be bounced from place to place.”

-- Bronx nurse Oneka Dunbar
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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Mayor de Blasio Must Act Now to Make ‘Renewable Rikers’ Part of His Legacy
‘This month, the mayor announced he will be reopening one of the closed jails on Rikers to accommodate the rising jail population driven by unchecked fear mongering from his police commissioner. This is the wrong move, especially under the horrific conditions in which people are currently being held.’

Opinion: U.S. Democrats Have the Power to Deliver Citizenship for New Yorkers Like Me
‘I marched alongside thousands of people to send an unequivocal message to Democrats in Congress, including my own representative Sen. Chuck Schumer, that they make the rules, not the parliamentarian. They have the power to deliver an expansive and inclusive pathway to citizenship through reconciliation this year.’
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