
When we asked last week for support to ensure that we can run our ad against Lauren Boebert, we were blown away by the response. 

Now we are only $977 away from our $3,500 goal to place our ad in front of thousands of Rep. Boebert’s constituents who are rightfully embarrassed by her constant gaslighting and corrupt behavior in office. 

Your donation could make the difference and help CTP reach thousands of potential new supporters, build a winning coalition to flip more seats in Colorado blue, and turn the screws on Lauren Boebert. If you can, please donate $5, $10 or more before 10 pm tonight so that we can hit our goal:
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
We’re so proud to have you on this team—we are growing stronger and more numerous every day with your support. 

-CO Turnout Project Team 


You’ve likely heard recently from dozens of politicians asking for money: it’s the end of the fundraising quarter, and the FEC will report everyone’s numbers soon. 

The same goes for organizations like The Colorado Turnout Project. But we won’t bore you with tales of how much pressure we’re under, or how upset we are that we’re “short” of our transparently made up goal. We will be straightforward, honest, and direct: if we are able to raise $3,500 before the end of the month, we will spend at least $3,000 of those funds on targeted Facebook ads making sure as many of Lauren Boebert’s constituents see this ad that we produced
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Contribute to help us raise this goal, and if we exceed the goal we will work on another ad about Lauren Boebert in the coming weeks. Also—hold us accountable. If we announce that we hit this goal and will place the ad on Facebook, and we don’t follow up showing the ad running in the FB ads library, feel free to call us on it. 

We want to make sure our work makes an impact and that our donors know they are giving to a responsive, accountable, and hard-hitting organization. And we intend to stay until the job is done. 

-CO Turnout Project Team 
Paid for by the Colorado Turnout Project PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the Colorado Turnout Project are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal tax income purposes