Dear John,
It’s happening in less than two weeks!
ADL’s annual Walk Against Hate is on October 10, and thousands of people across the country have already signed up to take part — as individuals, as community groups, as schools and more.
We all want to take steps to improve the world around us, and to come together against hate. Will you join us to make this happen? It will be an amazing day, especially with your help.
So please take a moment right now, to go to and sign up to take action against antisemitism, against racism, against bigotry of all kinds.
What could be better than taking action for a great cause? Having company while you do it. So, engage your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to join the wave of Walkers taking part and making a difference from coast to coast!
We’ll set every participant up with a digital toolkit with printable signs, ideas on how to have an amazing Walk day, and suggestions to get the word out about your effort. Be sure to take a few pics as you Walk and share them with us by tagging them with #WalkAgainstHate.
Thank you!
— The ADL Walk Against Hate Team