Hi, folks. Adam Green here, co-founder of the PCCC.

You may have seen a Politico article today entitled, "White House gives a wink to progressives as they threaten Biden’s infrastructure bill; In an effort to put pressure on Manchin and Sinema, any help is welcome."

If you're already following this situation closely, we're putting out a red alert and asking you to please call your local House Democrat Rep. Brendan Boyle to urge them to vote NO on the infrastructure bill -- today and until it is ready to pass alongside the president's larger Build Back Better bill.

If you know your member of Congress or their staff personally, please text/email/call them in the next 2 hours. If you don't, click here for the office number and a script.

If you are not following this situation closely, below is a short 1-minute summary of the situation from Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal on MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes last night. Please watch and then call your member today.

This may be the most important day in the most important fight of the Biden presidency. If we're successful, millions of people are helped and Democrats can win in 2022. If we lose, our nation may be in a downward spiral as voter frustration allows Trump Republicans to take over. Today's a day for solidarity and action.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Adam Green, PCCC co-founder

WATCH: Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal's 1-minute explainer

Turn on images to see the video.






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