Hey there --
Facebook’s Global Head of Safety, Antigone Davis, is testifying this morning before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection about why Facebook hid their internal research showing Instagram’s effects on young people’s mental health.
We deserve to know the full extent of Facebook’s cover-up and harms to children. That’s why we’re launching this new national television ad to call out Facebook for putting profits ahead of the safety and well-being of kids’ mental health.

Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t want people to see this ad. Share it online if you use social media or forward this email to family and friends:
We demand answers. We deserve to know the full truth of Facebook’s cover-up. Congress must investigate Facebook.
We cannot let Facebook off the hook for their harms to our children, our information ecosystem, and our democracy. It’s time for Congress to act.
Let's get to it,
Co-founder & Executive Director
Accountable Tech
We recognize the irony of urging you to take action on the dominant social media platforms we’re fighting to hold accountable, but they are… well… dominant. We must reach people where they are in order to level the playing field.
Help us run this ad on more stations across the country. Please consider chipping in to support Accountable Tech: