
Election Day 2019 is coming up fast - and we know Pantsuit Nation members love to get involved in elections because they matter so much. These upcoming elections are no different. Statewide elections are happening in 5 states: Virginia, New Jersey, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana. Whether you live in one of those states or not, we have a couple of ways that you can get involved: 

Write letters to Virginia voters. 

Join us and Vote Forward in writing letters directly to voters in Virginia, encouraging them to vote. Voters who receive letters are significantly more likely to go to the polls! Why focus on Virginia even if you don’t live there? Republicans control the state legislature by an extremely slim margin: they hold the House by two seats (there was even a tiebreak resolved by drawing a name out of a bowl -- really), and Senate by just one seat. Whoever wins control of the legislature gets to make decisions on policies that will affect women's lives, and -- here's where this affects the whole country in particular -- control of the redistricting process which affects elections for U.S. Congress. Start sending letters today.

Learn about each election.

Ballotpedia offers information on all of the votes happening across the country. While the states listed above have statewide elections, many places have municipal elections this year! (I’m voting for City Councilors in my district!). Visit Ballotpedia and enter your address to learn about your elections, including dates and who or what will be on the ballot. Check it out!

Together we can increase turnout this year and make a difference in elections across the country!

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