I'm coming to you today to ask if you'll please kick in your first-ever $5 donation to our campaign to flip this Pennsylvania Senate seat before the FEC deadline tonight at 11:59 p.m. ET.
That said, I think my team and I owe you an explanation. Some context, if you will:
Every quarter, campaigns like ours are legally required to report out all our latest fundraising numbers to the Federal Election Commission. Basically, the momentum of our campaign becomes public.
So, as you might expect, reporters will be scouring these numbers — as will our opponents, including Donald Trump's handpicked candidate on the GOP side. Honesty, putting up a huge number at the conclusion of this quarter's deadline tonight is the single biggest test our campaign has faced since we launched way back in February.
John, not only do we need to *look* like a strong campaign — we really need to raise the funds to build the kind of giant, inclusive field organizing operation that can reach every single voter in every single one of PA's 67 counties. We've still got a ways to go so, if you can afford it, I am asking you to please make a $5 donation directly to our campaign before midnight to help reach our really important goal.
It's not lost on me that you get a lot of requests from my team and me.
I know they can sometimes start to pile up.
But the reality is that, if we want to continue being *the* winning grassroots campaign in a crowded race for the #1 Most Likely to Flip Senate seat of 2022, then we MUST raise as much money as possible before our Q3 FEC deadline happening tonight at midnight.
But here's what I know (and what I hope you know too, John): We absolutely have the team out there to make it happen. We're doing this the right way, no corporate PACs allowed. Just working people from Pittsburgh and all across Pennsylvania.
The only way we can win is with lots of online donations today — big or small — from people like you. I've gotta ask: Will you donate your first $5 ahead of tonight's FEC deadline? It'd really make all the difference in this fight.
Thank you for everything. I'll reach back out soon.
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania