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I just wanted to reach out to you with one final reminder that our end-of-quarter deadline is at midnight tonight. And we’re just shy of our critical quarterly fundraising goal.  

Will you chip in $3 or more right now to help put us over the top? 

John, from skyrocketing inflation to reckless government spending to tax hikes on our farmers, the Democrats’ one-party rule in Washington has been a TOTAL FAILURE

And I shudder to think what will become of our country with another two years of an unchecked Biden White House. 


That’s why we must build-out our grassroots operations across Indiana to make sure the Democrats don’t gain one inch of ground in the Hoosier State next year! 

Together, we can SUPPORT our Indiana GOP delegation, WIN back the House and Senate, and build a firewall to BLOCK Biden’s radical agenda. 

But we urgently need your support to get the job done. Can we count on you to chip in $3 or whatever you can right now to help us reach our crucial end-of-quarter goal? 

Please don’t wait. Our quarterly deadline is just a few hours away, and this is the last time I’ll be able to remind you.  

Thanks in advance for your critical support, 
Matt Huckleby 
Executive Director, Indiana Republican Party 

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