

It's not just a clever tagline. Your prayers really do bring about The Beginning of the End of Abortion.

Case in point: over the last few years, 40 Days for Life campaigns in the El Paso, Texas area have helped put 3 different abortion facilities out of business...forever!

And the good news keeps coming. Mark, who oversees multiple campaigns in the region recently announced that El Paso's Planned Parenthood no longer has an active abortion license.

"This means they are not able to perform any abortion...even chemical abortions under six weeks, which are still currently allowed by the Heartbeat Law.


Planned Parenthood in El Paso isn't closed--yet. It can still refer women for abortions at other facilities.

"But the fact is that God has now stopped abortions at 4 locations in 4 years!" Mark said.

With just one active abortion facility in the region, the El Paso area is closer than ever to the end of abortion!


Mount Juliet, Tennessee

Mount Juliet 40 Days for Life leader Kathy recruited local clergy to join her vigil.

"We began at 6 am in the dark and rain," Kathy reported. "But local ministers signed up...and the rain did not deter them."

A local Baptist pastor closed the day by bringing members of his church to the vigil for prayer and music.


Phoenix, Arizona

During this spring's vigil, football players and coaches from a nearby Catholic high school joined the vigil from 6 - 7 am twice a week.

Two of those players are now studying for the Catholic priesthood. Those students along with other Phoenix seminarians join the vigil each Friday afternoon.

Phoenix co-leader Ellen buys the young men 40 Days for Life T-shirts to don at the vigil. "I consider it missionary work!" she said.


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love and saving grace in Christ Jesus. Help us to realize every day the great blessing we have in our Savior. I pray that we will rise every morning with excitement and zeal, looking forward to walking another day in your footsteps fully knowing that you continue to dwell among us.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316