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Movie workers take stand for safe jobs
Labor Photo: NoVA Labor canvass
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
DC Paid Family Leave Workshop: Thu, September 30, 12pm - 1pm
On October 1st, the DC Department of Employment Services is set to expand benefits and access to Paid Family and Medical Leave for DC workers, thanks to the hard work of the [link removed] DC Paid Family Leave Coalition and numerous other activists, leaders, workers, and community members.
Join [link removed] DC Jobs with Justice, [link removed] First Shift Justice Project, and [link removed] Jews United for Justice for a webinar on these new benefits and how to access them for you and your family! Details and registration are below, please email mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] with any questions.
[link removed] RSVP
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, September 30, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online. Hosts: Chris Garlock and Ed Smith; JOIN US AT 202-588-0893.
Today's guests: CDavid Cottril: IATSE voting on possible major Hollywood strike; Melinda Fiedler: Oct. 1 updates to DC Paid Family & Medical Leave; Tracy Lingo: Union-busting at the Sheraton in Columbia, MD & the 'right to return'.
KI Fall Open House: Thu, September 30, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Dahlgren Quad, Georgetown University; [link removed] Optional RSVP via Facebook
[link removed] Pride at Work with Del. Danica Roem: Thu, September 30, 7:15pm - 8:15pm
Special meeting of our Pride at Work chapter with Delegate Danica Roem, the first openly transgender state legislator in the United States. Pride at Work is the AFL-CIO advocacy group for LGBTQIA+ rights. Everyone is welcome!
Womxn's Labor Leadership Symposium: WILL Empower Awards ceremony 2021: Fri, October 1, 11:30am - 1:30pm
REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED, but the public-facing session - the WILL Empower Awards ceremony - will be available via Facebook live on the [link removed] Center for Innovation in Worker Organization Facebook page linked here.
NATCA Sponsored Member-to-Member Lit Drop Walk: Sat, October 2, 9am - 1pm
Come to NoVA Labor for a member-to-member lit drop rally. NATCA's AnneMarie Sullivan will sing the National Anthem!
Due to covid precautions we will gather outdoors and we will not be serving lunch. Individually wrapped breakfast snacks and water will be provided.
4536 John Marr Drive, Annandale. Questions contact Bob Zabel. mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] 317-489-2501.
Movie workers take stand for safe jobs
"Fraturday." That's the workday that starts on Friday and goes right through Saturday, creating dangerous - and sometimes fatal -- working conditions for far too many in the movie industry, CDavid Cottrill tells Union City. Cottrill is Business Agent for IATSE 488 Studio Mechanics for the Northwest and on today's Your Rights At Work radio show (1p on WPFW 89.3FM) he'll discuss the strike vote IATSE is taking tomorrow that [link removed] could be the largest strike in Hollywood since World War II. Members of the Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) this week launched a [link removed] petition demanding a sustainable deal for 60,000 behind-the-scenes film and tv workers in the US. "If enough of us sign, we can show we stand as one in our fight to end unsafe hours, unlivable wages and the lack of reasonable rest on set," said IATSE.
Labor Photo: NoVA Labor canvass
"Last week ATU Local 689 sponsored the hot breakfast at our Saturday canvass," reports Virginia Diamond. "Elissa McBride, Secretary-Treasurer of AFSCME as well as President Raymond Jackson of 689, joined the canvass launch." This Saturday, NATCA will be the sponsor and "we can expect a delicious breakfast and the exquisite singing of Anne-Marie Sullivan!" says Diamond. See Calendar, above, for details.
Today's Labor Quote: Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg
"I hope this reflects the power of art."
Firstenberg organized the "In America: Remember" exhibition, which honors the hundreds of thousands of Americans lost to COVID-19; there's still time (today's the deadline) to [link removed] add names, which will then appear in physical form on the National Mall.
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Feathers and Pennies - the 1888 Matchgirls and us. Last week's show: Rich Trumka on [link removed] "Art is why they remember our struggles."
29 strike leaders are charged with treason - plotting "to incite insurrection, rebellion & war against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" - for daring to strike the Carnegie Steel Co. in Homestead, Pa. Jurors refuse to convict them - 1892
70-year-old Mother Jones organizes the wives of striking miners in Arnot, Pa., to descend on the mine with brooms, mops and clanging pots and pans. They frighten away the mules and their scab drivers. The miners eventually won their strike - 1899
Railroad shopmen in 28 cities strike the Illinois Central Railroad and the Harriman lines for an 8 hour day, improved conditions and union recognition, but railroad officials obtain sweeping injunctions against them and rely on police and armed guards to protect strikebreakers - 1915
Black farmers meet in Elaine, Ark. to establish the Progressive Farmers and Householders Union to fight for better pay and higher cotton prices. They are shot at by a group of whites, and return the fire. News of the confrontation spread and a riot ensued, leaving at least 100, perhaps several hundred blacks dead and 67 indicted for inciting violence - 1919
- David Prosten.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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