Write to your local paper to stop the long-covid debt crisis
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Hi friend,
Today, many of the support measures that have been in place during the pandemic, such as the furlough scheme, will end.
Next week the government also plans to cut Universal Credit by £20, which Citizens Advice have estimated could push 2.3 million more people into debt.
Many of those worse affected by the pandemic have had to borrow to make ends meet - 11.5 million people have built up £25 billion in debt and arrears just to pay for essentials. But hardly anything has been done to reset these debts and give borrowers a chance to rebuild their lives as we emerge from the pandemic.
That’s why we’ve been calling for a write off and for people to have more support with their debts. Can you help raise the alarm about Covid debt?
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We’ve still got a chance to help make sure the government sits up and takes notice. And one way to make a real difference is to write a letter to the editor of your local paper.
I know this is a slightly different way to get your voice heard than we usually get in touch about, but it’s effective. Your MP pays close attention to your local paper and many thousands of people in your area will read it, so it’s one of the best ways to get the message out.
We’ve found the email address for your local paper and drafted some key points to include.
I want to help get the word out ([link removed])
It’s so crucial that we raise the alarm, the planned changes could push many more into debt in our communities and right now the government doesn’t have any plan for what to do about it.
As ever, thank you for campaigning for debt justice!
All the best,
Joe, Zak, Eva and all at Jubilee Debt Campaign
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