Have your say on changes to NDIS laws and share your vaccine ideas and experiences No images? Click here Hi there, We hope you are safe and well. It's a really tough time for so many people in our community. And we know people with disability, families and the people who support them have a lot on their plates. So you might not feel up to having your say about a couple of the big issues right now. But if you do, we would love to hear your thoughts about two things: Changes to the NDIS Act and Rules, and how the government could make it easier for people with disability to get vaccinated before states and territories open up. New NDIS legislation: Have your sayThe government has released the long-awaited proposed changes to the NDIS Act and Rules. The draft legislation is now open for consultation until the 7th of October. This means we don't have long - NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds is keen to get the changes done and dusted as soon as possible. Find out more about the changes, and have your say. Let’s act now to make sure that any changes to the NDIS – the NDIS we all fought so hard for – doesn’t get to parliament without your ok. Your vaccine experienceThis week, the Disability Royal Commission released a scathing report confirming what we already know. The COVID-19 vaccine rollout strategy for people with disability has been ‘seriously deficient’. Lifting lockdowns when so many people with disability haven’t been able to access the COVID-19 vaccine is unacceptable and dangerous. We need urgent action to make sure all people with disability who want the vaccine actually get the chance to access it – before states open up. That’s why we’re asking you to share your vaccine experiences and ideas. We want to hear first-hand from you about your experience getting vaccinated – or trying to – and hear what you think would make it easier. We are reading your stories and sharing your ideas with the powers that be – like Health Minister Greg Hunt – so governments know what they need to do to make it easy for people with disability to get vaccinated, ASAP.
Thank you for all of your support, The Every Australian Counts team |