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Thursday, September 30th, 2021

Monetary Competition: The Best Alternative To Razing Central Banks to the Ground

Murray N. Rothbard

The (Diabolically) Brilliant Politics of Scaring the Elderly

Alex Berenson

What Did the FBI Know?

Andrew P. Napolitano


Ira Katz

Debtpocalypse Now: Here’s What Will Happen If US Defaults on Its Mountain of Debt

Ilya Tsukanov

Backlash as Students Told Wearing Second-Hand Clothes Can Be ‘Example of White Privilege’ in Mandatory Diversity Test

RT News

YouTube Bans ALL Anti-Vax Videos, Ramping Up Covid-era Censorship Campaign


Beware the False Prophets

Bionic Mosquito

3 Ways You Can Opt-Out of the Rising Insanity

Doug Casey

Why Are Americans Being Coerced To Submit to Injection With a Dangerous Substance That Is Known Not To Protect Against Covid But to Cause Death and Serious Health Injuries?

Paul Craig Roberts

Fr. Altman Tells Dubuque: “Stand Against the Godless, Diabolical Masking and the Jab”


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