Hey there,
I’m sorry to email so late, but this couldn’t wait.
We’ve been so busy these past few months standing up for civil rights, holding corporations accountable, and addressing the devastating opioid crisis that I almost forgot about our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline tomorrow. My team just told me that we’re still $9,750 short of our goal, and we have just over 24 hours left!
We’ve accomplished a lot on behalf of Massachusetts residents in the past three months, and it’s all thanks to your continued support. Here’s a snapshot of some of our big moves:
✅ Challenged Texas’ unconstitutional abortion ban
✅ Reached a $4.3 billion resolution with the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma, as well as a $26 billion resolution with opioid distributors and manufacturers for their roles in fueling the deadly opioid epidemic
✅ Secured $2.25 million from a national debt collection company over predatory practices and harassment of student borrowers and low-income consumers
✅ Launched a clean energy initiative to combat bus idling and protect environmental justice communities from air pollution
✅ Sued American Airlines and JetBlue to stop their anti-competitive alliance that would hurt consumers
​​✅ Sued GrubHub for charging restaurants illegally high fees during the COVID-19 public health emergency
This list only scratches the surface of all that we were able to accomplish recently – and trust me when I say that there is still A LOT of work left to do! Can I count on you to help Team Healey launch into the final quarter of 2021 with the resources we need to get the job done?
Thanks for all you do,

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Paid for by the Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15 Boston MA 02137 United States