Dear John --
Last night at 9:56 pm, my office received an email to advise a
podcast I’d participated in some weeks ago with Jessica Rowe was being
I note throughout the day that Jessica was sent several tweets,
condemning her for conducting a non-political interview with me.
We discussed my grandkids, family, how to cope with public pressure
and depression, as well as some other non-controversial matters in a
30-minute podcast.
Twitter haters bombarded Jess online to a point where she obviously
felt pressured to remove the podcast.
Her producer wrote in her email:
Cancel culture in this country is killing debate, freedom of
speech, and shutting down conservative political representation.
While I’m disappointed with Jess and her manager's decision to
remove the podcast, I also recognise how much pressure keyboard
warriors can put on a person like Jessica who openly discussed with me
in the interview how public opinion has impacted her mental
The removal of this innocuous podcast is a step in the wrong
direction for conservative Australians.
Leftist keyboard warriors may have had a win this round, but people
can stay in touch with me by sharing
Senator Pauline Hanson