
As a life-long resident of Brooklyn, I know first-hand the struggle of finding affordable housing in our community. We’re facing a housing crisis, plain and simple. Gentrification has caused rent to skyrocket, pricing out lifelong residents and people of color. And even if you qualify for public housing, agencies like HUD and NYCHA have failed to provide residents with an environment that is livable and safe.

That’s why earlier this year I introduced The Hardest Hit Housing Act and the Public Housing Emergency Response Act. Taken together, these bills would allocate billions of dollars to the Public Housing Capital Funding Grant Program and the Public Housing Capital Fund, and investing in foreclosure mitigation assistance to help keep folks in their homes.

While we can’t rely on President Trump’s administration to put forward any sane proposal to solve this problem, I’ve been working with my colleagues in the House and with folks on the state and city level to address this problem head on. 

This week I met with NYCHA leadership and Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie to try to coordinate an all of the above approach to creating and supporting housing that is affordable, clean, and safe for residents. We agreed that the only way we can solve this crisis is if we do it together.

I am committed to continuing the fight for our folks who are struggling to keep a roof over their head and food on the table but if I’m going to continue that fight, at home here in New York and in Washington, I’m going to need your help. Can you make a grassroots contribution today to support our efforts to fight a broken system? ⇨


Thanks for standing with me,





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