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CHBA National
Here's how CHBA has led a national conversation on housing affordability in the run-up to Election Day on October 21:
- Engaged in 100+ meetings with MPs and Senators during CHBA’s Days on the Hill 2018 and 2019.
Ensured that elected officials from all parties understood how housing affordability affects Canadians, how Canadians were feeling about it, and what solutions are possible to address the challenge.
- Actively participated in pre-budget consultations.
Led to action on housing affordability and continued to push for meaningful solutions. Find out more here: Federal Budget Inclusions.
- Launched website to inform the public and governments about factors that impact housing affordability and how the next government can help.
Site visits spiked with each of CHBA’s dedicated public activities to drive the message home.
CHBA National
This leadership summit is being held at Harrison Hot Springs in beautiful British Columbia.
CHBA takes a leadership role in helping early adopters overcome barriers and voluntarily build to higher levels of energy performance.
Network with industry leaders, learn what’s next, and secure your seat at the most outstanding table in the national Net Zero community.
Early Bird Pricing
November 18 - December 18
CHBA Members: $950
Non-CHBA Members: $1150
Regular Pricing
After December 18
CHBA Members: $1250
Non-CHBA Members: $1550
Registration Opens November 18
CHBA BC, along with almost 300 volunteer members from across the country, are tackling the work of CHBA's eight Standing Committees and Councils at the National Fall Meetings in Ottawa. In addition, over 30 federal and provincial government departments and agencies, non-profit organizations, private research firms, warranty programs and others lend their expertise on issues affecting the residential construction industry.
CHBA BC CEO, Neil Moody, had the pleasure of attending the Canadian Home Builders' Association — Fraser Valley AGM last week, where he updated members on activities happening with CHBA BC. A warm congratulation to the incoming president Dan Dueck and outgoing president Peter Loewen.
Congratulations to other incoming presidents for CHBA VI (John Drazic), HAVAN (Mark Cooper) and CHBA Northern BC (Jody Tindill).
Register for all courses at
Business Planning & Management in Kelowna - December 6th, 2019. Register by October 26th, 2019.
Financial Management in Abbotsford - December 6th, 2019. Register by October 26th, 2019.
BC Building Code Part 1 in Burnaby - December 13th, 2019. Register by November 4th, 2019. |
In August, a large group of employer and industry associations (including CHBA BC) declined to further participate in the provincial Workers' Compensation System Review. We have been advised that the reviewer Ms. Janet Patterson will deliver a report within her Terms of Reference - a key ask of the business community. The report is expected to be tabled soon. This file is being monitored closely and we will keep you apprised of further developments on this important review.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8