Friend, I have an urgent update that I’m personally reaching out to my supporters (including you) about:

My finance team just let me know we’re still short of our goal with just hours until we have to close the books on the fundraising quarter. This means we might have to submit a public fundraising report to the FEC that shows us behind where we thought we’d be.

Friend, I am counting on your donation to get us back on track before it’s too late.

Missing goals like this is just what the Republican Party is betting on. With the Senate narrowly in Democrats’ control, the GOP just needs to flip a single seat to put Mitch McConnell back in charge – and the political ground here in Connecticut is giving them hope: Republicans were recently able to flip a seat here – their first since President Biden was inaugurated.

With Senate control on the line, Republicans will surely be looking for weakness, and we cannot let them target us more than they already have. The greatest way to show our strength, and prove to Mitch McConnell that this Senate seat won’t be an easy flip, is for every supporter reading this email to chip in whatever they can.

Can you please help me close this fundraising gap before midnight? Here’s the best link to give:

Thanks for stepping up when it’s needed most.


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