It’s time to ditch the Washington elites who have left our communities behind time and time again.

John, Lucas Kunce has some words for Joe Manchin: 

Please enable images to read Lucas Kunce's tweet about Manchin.

While D.C. elites write blank checks (with our tax dollars) to nation-build abroad, our communities back home are struggling to stay afloat. This kind of BS is getting really old -- and it’s exactly why we’re building a people-powered movement to send Lucas to the U.S. Senate next year.

John, we can fundamentally change who has power in this country. Ready to help? Rush a $3 donation to elect Lucas and flip this seat.

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These corrupt politicians, and the corporations who prop them up, seem to care about everything BUT the major need for investment in our forgotten communities.

We don’t need any more D.C. elites telling us we can’t afford to invest in our own country’s working families while writing blank checks for forever wars abroad. We can, and must, invest right in our forgotten neighborhoods. We can, and must, repair our crumbling infrastructure. We can, and must, bring power back to American workers.

Support our movement to fundamentally change who has power in this country -- chip in $3 or whatever is best for you right now to our campaign.

We’re in this fight because it’s time to ditch the Washington elites who have left our communities behind time and time again. Without your support, none of this would be possible.

Thank you for being part of this movement,

-- Team Lucas Kunce



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