
Our end-of-quarter deadline is coming up tomorrow at midnight and I need your help to meet it! Right now we are still $2,000 short of our goal but if everyone who opens this email pitches in $10, I know we can beat it!

I cannot stress to you just how important our end-of-quarter deadlines are. We have to report our fundraising numbers to the FEC after every quarter, and if we can't get it done, we will embolden the Radical Leftists after our seat!

These are the same hand-picked Democrats who will raise our taxes, erode our freedoms, and demonize our law enforcement! They want to unseat me so they can bring their open border, defund the police, and America Last agendas to Texas!

I am not standing by as the Radical Left tries to force their policies on our state. I stand strong for Texas, our values, and our economy, which is why I am dead set on beating the Left and ensuring our conservative Texan values are always represented in America’s Congress.

I can’t defeat them alone, your help gets us past our end-of-quarter goal! Can I count on you to pitch in today to show the Democrats they don’t stand a chance?

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne

Sent from my iPhone.