Dear Health Care Hero,

Do you want a chance to win a FREE registration to Health Action 2020? Show us your knowledge of Families USA and Health Action by participating in our virtual scavenger hunt! You must score at least 4/5 to be entered into the drawing. All answers can be found on the new Families USA website

Want to double your odds? Complete the bonus question at the end to have your name entered a second time!

To qualify, please complete the scavenger hunt and send in your bonus submission by Friday, November 8th

Special 25th Conference Registration Rate
In honor of our 25th conference, the first 100 individuals to register will receive a special 25th celebration rate of $425.00. Be sure to register soon to lock in this special rate, there are only a few spots left.

We can't wait to see you all in January! 

To your health, 
Patrick Willard, Senior Director of State and National Strategic Partnerships 
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action 2020

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