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Fight for $15
Respect us. Protect us. Pay us. Respetanos. Proteganos. Paganos. Fight for $15 and a Union. Sign Now >> We're demanding the dignity and respect we deserve.
Victory! Fight for $15 has led to $150 billion in raises for 26 million workers since 2012. Bills passed in Rhode Island and Delaware putting workers on a path to $15/hr. California workers won stronger COVID protocols and paid sick leave after being told dog diapers were adequate PPE. Workers in Chicago won almost $500,000 in back pay after bein denied sick leave. Act now.


Too many workers are still struggling to make ends meet and corporations like McDonald's are still dragging their feet, refusing to pay every one of their workers $15/hr.

But even against greedy, well funded corporations and the politicians doing their bidding, we've BEEN winning. In the past few months, two states have raised their minimum wage to $15, and corporations like Sam's Club and Walgreens gave in to worker pressure and will pay $15.

It's past time to deliver justice. We need to continue the momentum. SIGN NOW to show your support for $15 for ALL workers >>

I won't stop – and this movement won't rest – until we've delivered justice for all workers. And that starts with $15 and the right to join a union.

In solidarity,

Nicole Rush
Krab Kingz Worker
St. Louis, MO
Fight for $15 and a Union

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