Hey John,
Did you know one of the biggest impacts you can have on improving air quality and addressing climate change is by voting for candidates that take the issue seriously? This year, 23 cities across the state have adopted ranked choice voting (RCV) as the method to conduct their elections. What is RCV and how does it work? Lucky for you, we’re hosting an event tonight to answer those very questions!
Join o2 Utah tonight, September 29th, at Mountain West Hard Cider from 6:30-8:00 pm for RCV Flight Night!
We’ll be holding Utah’s first-ever RCV Best Cider election! Purchase the “o2 Utah Flight” of Mountain West hard ciders, rank them from your top-to-bottom choice, and submit your ranked choice ballot. We’ll then demonstrate how the RCV process works to determine a winner with majority support.
Be sure to register for the event, and bring a couple of friends with you! Let’s get educated, show up to vote, and make a real difference for our climate and our air this election.
We’ll see you tonight!