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Radical, out-of-touch Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky made it official: He's running for Governor. 

All those terrible bills Governor Sununu had to veto? Volinsky would have signed them. 

Every. Single. One. 

Democrats like Andru Volinsky will do whatever they want to implement an income, sales, or any other kind of broad-based tax in the State of New Hampshire. 

We have to defeat their out-of-touch agenda next November if we're going to protect the New Hampshire Advantage next year. 

Can you donate $25 to help us defeat the Volinsky Agenda? 

It doesn't matter if the Democrats nominate Volinsky, Dan Feltes, or any other Democrat - they're agenda to implement new taxes will be the same. Will you help us stop them?

We are doing a lot at the New Hampshire GOP to hold Democrats accountable, elect Republicans across New Hampshire, and protect the New Hampshire Advantage. Donate today to support our party's efforts.


Stephen Stepanek
NHGOP Chairman

P.S. Help us get out the word by sharing our latest digital video hitting Andru Volinsky.

New Hampshire Republican State Committee

10 Water Street, Concord
United States

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